Friday, December 21, 2012

Week 2 MTC Hurrah for Israel!

I included some pics from the MTC drop off day. Hopefully we will get some from Sister Harris soon!

So our investigator Jason committed to baptism! Unfortunately we're starting over with him, apparently, so we're meeting with him for the "first time" tomorrow. We also met our new new new investigator, Eduardo, yesterday. He's so much more difficult. He gets super distracted, and won't even look at us half the time. He just sits there making random comments and scratching his leg and looking at the wall or his fingernails. He also speaks SUPER FAST. I can barely understand him, and I've been trying to learn Spanish for years... so it's hard for the two of us. We've been praying about ways to help him feel the spirit. It's hard when you're bearing your soul to someone about how important the gospel is to you and they won't even look at you when you talk. I think we need to get to know him better before he'll really pay attention.

Sunday was amazing. We get to watch Music and the Spoken Word, and it's always so amazing. This week was about Hal Halverson/ the Candy Bomber. I actually have a book about him from my Childrens Lit class, so I had already heard his whole story. Since I read it, I truly respected him and wanted to meet him. After re-hearing his story, and feeling the story all over again, I was feeling very close to him. Then he showed up! I instantly started weeping. For me, it was a moment where I caught a glimpse of the emotions I will feel in a much more important meeting.

I am so grateful for the early members of the church. We watched the Joseph Smith movie, and I was humbled so much. I cannot even imagine going through that. I am so grateful for the prophet Joseph Smith. What a truly incredible, humble servant of the Lord.

I love singing Called to Serve here. We sang it today in devotional. It was incredible. They put the lyrics up on the huge screens at the front. I mean, I already knew the words, but the last line of the chorus, "Called to serve our King" was on the screen by itself, and as I read it and heard it I felt it deep within my soul. I'm so grateful for this calling I have been given. I only hope I can be more worthy of being His servant.

On Sunday Elaine S Dalton spoke to us for Relief Society. She said that by April of this next year, there will be 2000 sisters at the MTC. 2000!! That's insane! We're going to be training the new ones. I forget who said it, but they said that we will be the ones setting the tone for this new era of missionary work. The new flood of missionaries will be looking to US to set the pace. I definitely don't feel ready yet!

I've learned that I need to become the message. I need to truly know it so that the gospel will just be part of me. The truth will emanate (sorry, I don't think that's spelled correctly) from my soul. I'll definitely need this, seeing as my Spanish is still struggling a lot.

"Smile. Be happy, because that will change people's hearts." -Elaine S Dalton. She also said, "Stand in front of your mirror and tell yourself, 'Heavenly Father loves me, and today I will stand up for Him, even in my smile.' "

"Hell is where a man meets the man he could have become." -Hermano Law (who is Jason as our investigator) (But he got it from somewhere else.)

Well, I have to go now. I'll hopefully finally be able to write you all that I wanted to. I love you all! Stay safe!!

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