Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Week 65 Follow the Spirit!

This week has been so filled with miracles. It's awesome! Here's an overview. Going backwards though. Time travel is my thing now. :)

I took over a tour for Sister Wang, and at the end they asked if they could have a Book of Mormon in Persian! Two of them! So... that was pretty awesome. :) MIRACLES.

We finally got to go visit this lady in the branch. She's been trying to get us over since I got to the area, but things keep coming up so she never could... until yesterday. And we finally had the lesson we had been planning since the beginning. We talked about journals, and read 3 Nephi 23:6-14, where the Savior asks the people about Samuel's prophecies, and they said, oh yeah, he said that... and so He asked them why they hadn't written it.... and anyway we talked about when we have miracles in our lives we need to write as well! We also talked about 2 Nephi 33:4, where what we write in weakness will be made strong to bless our children/help them learn about Christ/grow in the faith. So then she said that she had a dream a few nights ago that she was about to die, and she said she wasn't ready yet, because she hadn't written down her experiences!! And she heard a voice telling her she had been given plenty of time but she didn't use it. So she said that our small message was a reminder from Heaven that she needs to write down her experiences! Her son is less active and she said that scripture helped her see that her experiences can help her son come back. :) It was super cool. :)

Our PMG class on Sunday night went really well. We talked about how to help nonmember friends learn about the gospel using bread. By which we mean 'pan.' P: Pregunten A: Apliquen N: No olviden de testificar. You need to really get to know your friends, not just on a shallow, oh-hi-hello-how-are-you-I'm-fine-and-you-I'm-fine-what-a-pretty-day' sort of level, but find out what their struggles are, what their fears are, what they want in life, etc. Who they really are. And it is then when we can see how the gospel can help them, and help them see how the gospel can help them. And as we testify about it, they will feel the Spirit and want that help. :) We also talked about the pan that softens hearts: Presten servicio, amenles, y no se den por vencidos. (Serve, love them, and don't give up.) It was pretty sweet.

Ok second funny story of the week: I was in Courthouse, the last room of the tour, and I was standing in back because all the benches were full. As the movie ended I started walking up to the front to give the last little spiel and I realized my dress button wasn't snapped, so I snapped it, and I guess it sounded like a clap because then IMMEDIATELY everyone started clapping.... >_> It was super funny though. Claps are so contagious... I can't say I had ever started a clap for myself though. Well. I can now. Anyway...

We had Zone Meeting on Friday. It was super sweet. :) We talked about being the Lord's Best: Loving, Obedient, Righteous, Diligent/Dignified, Service-oriented, Builders, Enthusiastic, Spiritually-sensitive, and Teachable. Afterwards we had a potluck (more like a picnic). I ate some fried rice I made. It was delish. :) (Turns out I don't mind tofu when it's in small amounts in fried rice. I also tried making it with the apricot curry. I had this jar of apricot preserves I bought on sale a long time ago, and some frozen peaches so I made apricot peach curry instead but it was delish as well. Woohoo! But uh... I made the entire apartment complex smell like curry. My companion doesn't really like that smell so... it was a little awkward for a while. Oh well. I like it. :} Even with tofu in it, which was the point. :) Oh. I should probably close the parenthesis now.)

Thursday we had a sweet less active/recent convert lesson. We wanted to talk to her about preparing to go into the temple, since she hasn't gone yet and her year mark is coming up. So we shared 2 Nephi 5, and how they built a temple and even though there was all this fighting going on and Nephi had to separate himself from his family, they 'lived after the manner of happiness' and it was only because they had a temple. I just used the chapter because of the temple, but she totally related to Nephi: She had felt like she had to separate herself from her family a bit because they were treating her super poorly and not letting her be LDS and stuff, and she told us she's been having dreams about her family and she thinks it's because she needs to do their work in the temple. So now she's pumped about getting that all done and helping them out. So, it was super cool! The scriptures really teach us all individually what it is we need to learn. :)

So I had a cool lesson about following the Spirit yesterday. I was in the Battalion and I was standing by the front desk, and a man walked past at the bottom of the stairs. I only barely saw him out of the corner of my eye. In my head, I thought, "Oh, I should've been out there to talk to him." "You can still talk to him." "No, he's too far." "Not if you go NOW!" So I ran out the door and down the corridor/hallway thing, and caught him at the far end, and just started talking to him. he said that he was hoping someone would be outside, because he wanted to know what the building was. So I explained it a bit, and he said he had gone past so many times and always seen people outside waving, and it made him want to come inside. (YES!) He asked if we do school tours, and I said definitely! Turns out he works with the navy to help coordinate after school activities for youth or something, so we talked logistics and he said he'll try to work it in so they can all come! :D Also he is really excited about coming back. So it was super awesome and I'm so glad I listened! It's when we allow ourselves to be instruments that we get to see miracles. If I had just stayed inside I would've had a good day, taken several tours, helped some people grow their faith, but in talking to him I was able to potentially bring in maybe hundreds of children as well. It was so cool!

That's about it. I hope all is going well!

Hermana Harris

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