Tuesday, February 19, 2013

California Here I am! Week 11


It's crazy. You know when they say that the mission is the hardest thing you'll ever do? Well, I believed them, but I didn't understand them. It seriously is rough out here. I mean, even when people are nice and totally open to the message it's hard. XD There's just SO MUCH TO DO, and no time! It's insane. 

Here are the highlights and low lights of my first week here:

First off, my companion is Hermana Salinas. Ella es de Oaxacca, Mexico, y es bien bien chida. XD I think I sent you a picture of her from the battalion. It's been quite the adventure there, but that's another story. Focusing in on my comp. She's super excited about being here in San Diego and has a great positive attitude. She makes me food and encourages me and tells me to wear her earrings (which are super pretty) and she's taking good care of me.

I hurt my hip a bit the other day (Sister Affleck told me that I just pinched a nerve there, so I should massage and stretch it, so I've been doing that and it hurts less now, but I have some bruising there) and she's patient with me and worries about me. It's hard to communicate sometimes because her first language is Spanish and mine obviously is not. Also, she doesn't know how to drive, so that is my official job. D: That was the last thing I wanted to do here, but it's okay so far. By which I mean we haven't died ... yet. But we get lost a lot. It's hard to drive in a new place with super-fast driver and a co-pilot that isn't a natural-English speaker. Buuuut it's okay. We have a Garmin, but neither of us are very good at using it, so we miss our turns and stuff a lot. But... we're getting better at knowing where the places are in the first place so we don't need to rely on the Garmin as much!

The Battalion is way sweet. The sisters are all so welcoming and loving. During lunch breaks (about 2 people can eat at a time max) they all ask me how I'm doing and ask about myself and my family, etc. I kinda just want to eat but oh well. XD We had a super awesome experience the other day at the Battalion. I went out back to gold panning and joined a group talking there with Sister Madsen. (BTW, I saw Rebecca Madsen at the temple. I can't remember if I said that the other day or not.)

Anyway, we talked a lot and I was so afraid to say anything, but after they talked for like half an hour I finally started adding stuff in, and we had a nifty discussion about church and how we don't want them to join our church because we believe it's true, but rather we want them to find out for themselves and to gain their own testimony. Last week when I was in Temple Square, these people asked us to get Books of Mormons and write our testimonies in them so they could give them out, so we did, but the people disappeared, so I kept mine. Anyway, I had it in my bag so I was able to give it to the visitors, and I shared a bit about how it has helped me feel God's love for me, and it was so awesome. I absolutely loved it. Miracles happen at the Battalion!!

Speaking of the Battalion, yesterday I actually went thru a tour with my companion and I did about 40% of the talking! That was a lot. It was my first time helping out in the outfitting room. I was so scared, and didn't do a perfect job, but I said some things, and that was good. I'm still working on the script. There's a lot to memorize! My goal is to be able to do half of it by Wednesday and to take tours by myself by Saturday. We'll see how that goes. The sisters are so nice and willing to help practice with me. It's great. SO many people come to the MoBat! It's insane. We had over 700 people the other day. THAT IS A LOT.

I've been assigned to work in the Logan Heights branch. This branch used to only have 1 pair of sisters, but we're the 2nd pair of them, and there are already 3 companionships of elders there. It's crazy. So we sort of get to whitewash the area. Thankfully Sister O'Neill (Hermana Amendola's trainer) gave us some of her investigators and such. Before we got all of that, though, we went and visited this lady, Maria. She's a less active. She's from Spain, and pretty old, but very sweet. Hehehe... she said she doesn't like gringos. And then she said, except you, and gave me a hug & kissed my forehead. Then later she said, in Spanish of course, "I like gringos... far from me." And then gave me another hug and kissed my forehead. She calls me her gringita. XD

She's a sweet lady. She just had eye surgery and is going through a hard time. She doesn't feel very much love from the branch and that's why she doesn't want to go. She said missionaries are the angels of the church. Anyway, we sat by her in Relief Society on Sunday. I only understand 40-75% of what she says in Spanish, and when she speaks English, I get about 60-80% of it. XD Oh well. My compa can understand it all so that's been super nice. It's kinda awkward though. Cuz... well she's from Mexico, and so all the people we talk to just love her and they give her a huge hug and get all excited, and then if they even notice me they give me a grimace and shake my hand. I've never experienced this before. I guess I just need to be more outgoing.

We had our first official lesson yesterday. We taught the Restoration to this lady. We need to practice the whole taking-turns-talking thing. That comes during comp study I guess. My companion is so good at talking to the people and showing them her love. It's been such a wake up call to see these people and the lives they live and how much faith they have. We called a lady yesterday to set up an appointment, and she said she can't meet with us this Wednesday because her husband just went to jail today and she has to get all the papers to get him out. It's all so crazy.

We went to visit one of Hna O'Neill's old investigators, who lives in an apartment above a car dealership. I mean, this is real life. It's crazy. I feel so overwhelmed with the language and the work and everything. But I know that I will have help. This are already feeling a bit more manageable. I can probably survive with part of my sanity intact. If not, oh well. XD You'll love me anyways, right? :D

Exercising was going pretty well until my hip went all wonky. Because I had been using the ellipticals, my endurance went up a little, so running wasn't too bad. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm at a way lower altitude because it was pretty easy. It was more of 'my muscles are tired' than 'I can't breathe!!!' so that's good news. :) I'm excited to start running again once my hip muscles stop freaking out.

I'm grateful to be a part of this work. Scared, yes. Nervous, yes. Worried, yes. Excited? Yes! :)

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