Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We are in good hands! Week 19

Well, everybody, welcome to the Mormon Battalion Historic Site! My name is Sister Harris, and I get to write you an email today!

First off, we went to the temple today. :D I LOVE THE SAN DIEGO TEMPLE. It's so gorgeous! I finally got to go inside. The peace and love and joy that filled my whole body was just incredible. I love, love, love going to the temple.

This week went so fast! Yesterday was crazy. Two weeks ago we had planned to have FHE at a member house this week, because they live next door to one of the girls we're teaching. However, apparently their idea of FHE is 'invite-a-billion-families-and-all-the-missionaries-without-telling-Sister-Salinas-and-Harris.' We didn't find out until the day of that there were going to be 5 families there and two other sets of missionaries. We had to scrap our lesson plans twice in preparation because we kept finding out more and more people were coming and then we had less and less time for an actual lesson, so it was an adventure, but we worked it out. (We also got sort of lost on the way to the lesson. Woo-hoo!) The lesson felt awesome as we were giving it, and I just felt so good and peaceful despite all the craziness that had been going on. (It started half an hour late because some of the other families were told the wrong time.)

Oh man. We've been talking a lot about how there are so many different voices we can listen to. We were trying to visit a sister in the ward, but we were having a hard time finding her house (there are lots of people who live in houses connected to other houses or behind other houses down sketchy alleyways and such). Anyway, there was this person pumping some rap super loud and it was absolutely filthy and vulgar and I was dying (unfortunately it was in English, so I definitely knew what it was saying) and turns out that the owner of the music is also renting the house. We had to have our lesson with it blasting right next to us as we're sitting there, so we decided to talk about the Holy Ghost and how it speaks with a soft voice like a whisper. We read Helaman 5:30, and talked about how there is so much noise in the world, so many distractions and other things we could be doing, but that if we focus on the Holy Ghost we can have guidance and peace and tranquility amidst all the chaos of the world. So it turned out better than I thought. :)

We took a member with us to contact some of our references. She lives all alone and feels very very very lonely and doesn't want to feel like a burden, so it's perfect because she helps us and doesn't feel so lonely. She got along really well with one of our investigators too, so that was super sweet. :) It's cool how things work out sometimes.

We had a Charla Fogonera on Sunday! :D It was fantastic! :) It's just a fireside, in case anyone was wondering. It's just fun to say charla fogonera. There's a huge missionary choir and special musical numbers and recent converts bear their testimonies and they play Mormon messages. It's basically one of the coolest things ever. :) We also got to go to a baptism on Saturday for some amazing people. Our old Zone Leader that went home came back and visited for a few days, so that was pretty cool. It's weird to think I've been in San Diego for 2 months. >_> We were talking to one of our investigators about how we don't get to visit our families for 18 months, and they were freaking out. "Not even if they get sick?!?" It's neat, though, because the Lord really does bless us for this. I mean, I love and miss you all, but I know you're in good hands. :)

Stay strong!

--Hermana Harris

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