Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 26 The point of life is to learn!

Alrighty, so here are the highlights for this week:

We started teaching a member's husband who is a nonmember. He's the only one who's not a member, and he kinda likes being the unique one. When we teach him, we can tell he knows it's all true, he just doesn't want to do anything. It was funny - we asked him what he would do if he only had one day left to live, and he said he'd try to repent - but just a few minutes before he told us he doesn't believe there's life after death. Go figure. XD

We saw D. yesterday! She invited us over and we just talked a bit. She's still having a rough time but turns out she doesn't hate us, so that's good! We left on very very good terms, so we're relieved. Also, F. finally called us and let us come over. He told us he felt bad because he had drank coffee even though he knew he shouldn't, and he was so discouraged that he had "fallen" that he didn't want to talk to us. We assured him that we aren't perfect and that all of us make mistakes, and that that's the whole point of life! To learn! He's so amazing. He told us he realized he needs to keep talking to us because he needs to keep nourishing himself Spiritually to give himself the strength to overcome temptation/keep going on. He's so awesome! Anyway, he's happy again and it's awesome.

We had a sweet lesson with L. where we totally followed the Spirit and Sister Salinas quoted a scripture and I was like, "WHY WOULD SHE USE THAT ONE?!? She just told her that she's an abomination!" and was freaking out but then Lolita said, "Oh, I read that verse this morning when I randomly opened it and read a random verse." What? How awesome is that!

Today we're going to make tamales with a less active from our branch. She reminds me of myself a bit. She said that she doesn't like going out, she just likes being at home, but if people want to come visit her, she's more than happy to have them over. That's basically the story of my life right there. Anyway so we're going over and it'll be sweet. Then there's a Memorial Day bbq party (yes, a week late) at the MoBat today. :) We have a pinata that we're going to bring... I'll send pics once the card reader comes. One of our members' friends started to make it but then decided she didn't want it so they gave it to us. It's pretty special. XD

I've been learning about how to take feedback. I know people just give me feedback so I can improve but my pride always gets a little hurt. XD I'm working on it. It's frustrating though that I feel like I'm working on the same things but it's like they're not getting any better. Oh well. I took a sweet tour with a ton of 6 year old girls and it was one of the best tours I have ever given. I was enthusiastic and spoke slowly enough that they understood and I didn't just quote the script directly and they had a blast and it was super sweet. Sorry for the terrible grammar. :) One week until transfers - so next week we'll know if I'm still here in LH or if I'll be transferred! :O This transfer has FLOWN by!
Well, I love you all! Take care! :) Cuidense!
--Hermana Harris

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