Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 51 Giving and Thankfulness!

Well we're going to go to the zoo so I only have a few minutes left. So here's the basics:

Turns out we're sharing an apartment! Yes, it's the same size as the other apartments but now there are 4 of us. Still one shower, but at least there are two 'bathrooms.' So... it's been a little crazy. My claustrophobia isn't getting any better  but it's okay, I think we'll survive. It's actually pretty fun. :)

Thanksgiving we had a lesson with J, had district meeting, then went and visited M. She had a friend over, and they fed us a TON. We had a short lesson with them, and the next day M. told us that her friend, after we left, said she really liked us and that she really felt the Spirit when we talked. It was pretty cool. :) After we visited a member and then went and tried to fix up the apartment a bit. (8 suitcases+ of stuff everywhere...)

Remember how we switched areas? Well, J. is actually in the other sisters' area. So we're transitioning him over to them. We'll make the switch sometime this week. So... hopefully we'll have a miracle!

Our favorite less active is really starting to like us. :) Hearts are softening! She's also really excited to make tamales with us on Christmas eve. :) We're excited too! :D

Fast Sunday went well. We had a meeting with our Branch President and Branch Mission Leader about some ideas we have for how to kick up the missionary work in the branch. :) We'll see how they all come together but so far it sounds pretty exciting. :) Good stuff coming!

Yesterday we had a sweet miracle. We've been trying to teach this lady for a very long time. We received her as a referral through church headquarters (she requested a dvd) but whenever we went by she told us to come back later. Anyway we saw her outside of the apartments on Saturday and she talked to us and eventually told us she was going to have her house fumigated and she needed to take everything out so we offered to help and she was super hesitant but we convinced her to let us, so we came by on Monday and helped her out and she opened up SO MUCH and told us the story of her life and we talked about it and the Atonement and she was crying and it was a super sweet lesson and a super sweet miracle. :)

So it's been a great week! :D I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!! :D I love you all!!

--Hermana Harris

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