Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So this week has been awesome! I already sent the pic but here's the sweet sweet news, I'm with Sister Amendola again in La Mesa! :D WOO HOOO!!! :) We have like... 1 investigator.. but it's okay! We'll find more! In fact, this week we even knocked doors. Crazy! Never done that before. It was a ward activity sort of thing. We all met at the church and then drove to some apartments and broke up into groups and knocked and knocked. It was different. I was super scared but it turned out okay. We had 4 lessons and got a sweet referral for the English elders in the area. :)

We had zone meeting on Wednesday, so that was nice to meet the new zone. They're pretty chill. Afterwards we ate at this Greek restaurant, (JK's Greek or something like that...) (definitely wanted to make a joke about that but uh... wasn't sure how). (It's Greek food! JK, not really!) (Sorry.) (Haha..) It was pretty gross. JK! It was fantastic. :) No really, I had a gyro and it was fabulous. And the Greek guy said it with a hard g sound. Gyro. Well, anyway...

The branch is SUPER sweet. They're absolutely awesome. They're so focused on missionary work, it's incredible. Thursday we visited a few and they all were talking about how they were trying to share the gospel, and they brought up the questions their friends had and were asking us for help in knowing what to say. They were so earnest in their desires, it was super sweet and made me very happy. Here's the deal, though, I don't know what to tell them... they're supposed to get answers like that from the Holy Ghost. But we gave them some ideas and stuff. It was super cool. :)

Super sweet miracle from the week: We had an investigator at church! And here's the cool thing: neither Sister Amendola nor I had ever met her before. Sister Stephens (the one whose place I took) met her with Sister Rex on exchanges and invited her to church. And she came! So, it was super sweet. And she was crying during Relief Society because she was so touched by the testimony of one of the Sisters. Only problem: she has two jobs and is going to school. So she has NO time, so it's pretty rough. Well, as she reads and keeps coming to church she'll have a desire to make more time to see us. :)

Also on Sunday we taught a PMG class. It was a 'fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants' sort of lesson, but it turned out super well. :) I think we all learned a lot from it, and I know I felt the Spirit. :) Success!

La Nueva look
So in case you didn't know, last Tuesday was my last day in the area, and we were going to cut our hair but decided we didn't want to. So we went to zone sports, and I was talking to Elder Rodriguez, (the newest one in the district), and he said he was going to get his hair cut by Hno Lopez. I asked him if his wife cuts hair too, because she looks like she would, and he said yes... and what a coincidence, we had already set an appointment to come visit them that night. So... I asked her to trim my hair. And Hna Bermudez said, "Give her a new look!" and I said, "Keep the length!" and Sister Bermudez said, "New look!" and I said, "Just cut off the dead ends!" and well it definitely got cut. Oh did I mention that she is the mom that has a 6-yr-old that had the birthday party earlier?

So Sister Harris got a new look for the new year. :} And a new companion, and a new area, and a new apartment. Good news: I like all the changes. I'm still freaking out a little about the hair, but I'm more used to it now. And the new companion is actually just an old companion, the new area is super pretty, and the new apartment only has the two of us in it, so there's a TON of space. ^_^ It's going to be a sweet transfer!! :)

Oh. Also on Tuesday I was talking to Elder Day, the district leader for SW. Turns out he's actually from Concordia Missouri. Which is in the Independence Missouri mission. He said he used to go out with the missionaries and take care of them and stuff. :) So when he gets back (in less than a year) he'll keep an eye out for Lang. Also, he said to bring LOTS OF WARM CLOTHES OR HE WILL FREEZE TO DEATH. You have been warned. (Whoops I accidentally typed 'warmed.' Haha!)

Crazy story: so yesterday Sister Amendola and I took a local YSA group on a tour for their FHE activity. As they came in she recognized one, and he turned around and looked SUPER familiar, and it turns out we met in the MTC! I totally remember meeting him in the MTC - it was either Christmas eve or Christmas, when we were watching one of the movies. (Either Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life.) Anyway, it was pretty crazy.

Well, I love you all lots! :) Please give Lang a fierce hug for me. Hmm. I haven't used the word fierce in a long time. >_> It was kinda weird. Well, just give him a biiiig huuug for me, teletubby style if necessary. :)

Hermana Julia Harris

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