Thursday, March 6, 2014

Week 64 Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven! C'est bon?

Tuesday: Went bowling as a Zone. We were going to go skittle bowling but uh... no one else wanted to do it so we just ate the skittles. >_> Oh well.

Wednesday: Made a loaf of bread. ^_^ We street contacted into this guy, and he was pretty interested, so we sent his info to the elders in teh area. On Sunday they told us they contacted him and it was an AWESOME lesson and they're golden. Sweet! :D

Thursday: Made another loaf of bread. ^_^ Had district meeting and it was awesome, yet again. Answered a question I was thinking about all morning. This whole 'revelation' thing is pretty sweet. :)

Friday: Had a lesson with X again. She's the cutest, I love her. A. came with us. She's the girl in the ward that's about to go on a mission. She got her call to Chile! :D Concepcion. She's the sweetest, and we love her to death. In fact, we're going to go to teach her again tonight! (Teach X. with A. part of the lesson) We also had a MIRACLE lesson with C. and her son, J. We brought Hna Garcia with us. It'was super sweet. Hermana Garcia bore her testimony about the church, and Sister Amendola and I both shared our experiences/testimonies about coming to know the Book of Mormon is true. After we did, we asked J, who had been quiet the whole time, what he though. He stayed silent for about a whole minute, then slowly said, "I want to know what you know. I want to know that God lives and knows me." Oh, did I mention he's TWELVE YEARS OLD.
Super cool moment. ^_^

Saturday: Temple shift. So Saturday temple shifts are from 10 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. Walking around outside. And well, it was rainy and wet and cold. So... it was quite the adventure. We met this girl who I'm pretty sure is Shirley Temple reincarnated as a Latina. She was the cutest thing ever. Our miracle for the day was definitely our lesson with M. She's a referral from the Elders that used to be in our area English speaking, but were switched to a new area, and she speaks Spanish. So. We finally finally finally got a hold of her, and had a lesson. She's got some pretty good questions, and is seeking answers. So... :) That's always good. :) "Why are there so many churches?? How do I know what's true?"

Mais Oui! 
Sunday: Our Branch President's daughter is engaged to this guy named J. And well turns out he really wants to get baptized. And he's moving into our area. :D So... we get to teach him. Yessss! ^_^ Score!

Monday: Had another lesson with M. She's slowly picking it up. Hopefully we'll see some real progress soon. :) Still lots of questions, so we're hopeful. Her husband joined us this time. :) Maybe he'll read too! :) Ok and now this is the part I really wanted to write about. Best part of my week, for sure. 

Last night I had the best miracle ever. It was seriously such a blessing from Heavenly Father that I got to be a part of it. I had decided I wanted to be the last person in the Battalion to eat dinner, so I made sure everyone else went first. It was a pretty slow night, so not too many tours happened. All the sisters had eaten except one sister and myself, and the other sisters were going to finish in like 5 minutes, so I was 5 minutes from dinner waiting outside with some sisters when a family walked up. No one else moved so I went and greeted them, and invited them in, and led them to the first room. I looked around, and the only sister inside just looked back at me. Another sister walked past and said, "I'm going to the back." ... >_> 

Ok... so I decided to just lead the tour. It was a sweet family so I was pretty excited. So we finish the first room, and right as we're about to go to the next room, this couple gets ushered into the room. The man smelled like smoke and they were speaking another language and then they sat on the log I usually sit on in Enlistment, so I was a little flustered but I was determined to not let it ruin the tour. 

The rest of the tour went super well, especially in Courthouse. The Spirit was exceptionally strong. It was just an overall good tour. So here comes the cool part. Out in the courtyard I asked the man where he is from, and he said Miami. I asked what brought him to SD, and he said he just moved here because he felt like it was where he needed to be, and he ran into the temple, and talked to a Sister there, and she told him to come here and that he could have a French BoM here, and then he asked me for one. Uhhhh YES OK I'LL GO GET THAT RIGHT NOW. His sister was with him, and so he gave her that one and filled out his info to have the English one brought to him. So sweet. So super sweet. ^_^ And if I hadn't taken the tour I would've missed out. I LOVE IT. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. :)

--Hermana Harris

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