Wednesday, October 30, 2013

By their fruits ye shall know them Week 47

Ok so here are the highlights from this week:

1: I got to go to the baptism of Hermano M.! He's the husband of a less active that we used to visit! It was super sweet because when we first visited her she told us to go away cuz her family was there. The next time she let us in but was pretty distant. As we kept coming, she opened up more and more and warmed up to us a ton. Eventually, after much begging, she even tried inviting her husband to come join us in a lesson. We taught him twice or so and hen I got transferred out of the area. Well, they've been working with them since, and he got baptized on Saturday! :D I finally got to see the fruits of our labors so long ago. :D It's definitely a miracle for me! 

The District!
2: On Saturday our branch also had the branch activity! A carne asada in the park behind the MoBat. They also took tours at the MoBat. :) Unfortunately we missed half of it because we went to the baptism.  But... it was good. :) I love this branch so much. They're so sweet! :D Like, they're really incredible people. :)

3: Yesterday we visited a family that is attending Barrio 20 but they're supposed to be in our ward. They're super cool, and I'm excited to visit them more and help them transition to Sweetwater.

4: We have had some sweet lessons with J. We're trying to get him to get involved with Helix, and it's going pretty well! (Helix is the singles ward.) So he went to a baptism with them on Sunday and then yesterday he went to their FHE activity (caramel apples and a movie). :) Things are looking up! He really just wants to do what Heavenly Father wants him to do, like really truly. :) Sweet!

Well, then there's
 5: We're going to trio train the new girl. Which means moving apartments, starting the 12 week program with her/4 hours of studies every morning, and trying to figure out all over again how to be a missionary. AAAAAAAAaaaaaAAaaaaaaAAaaAaAAa! (I was quoting Charlie Brown.) We'll go pick her up today at 2. Maybe I'll make her some cornbread. :) Oh man. Oh man. I don't even know what to say.

Wellllll... time to go pack! Lots of love!

--Hermana Harris

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