Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 49 Looking for more Miracles!

We went to the mission office and got Hermana Bermudez her Tiwi card so she can drive next week! WOOOOO!!! It'll be the first time I've had my companion drive me ANYWHERE. Since I've never had a companion that could drive! :D Exciting stuff. :)

The trio is going super well. :) Sister O'Neill and I are basically complete opposites, and Hermana Bermudez is the perfect balance to both of us. :) It's PERFECT. :)

This week has been super sweet! We're working hard and teaching and learning and doing what we're supposed to do. Yesterday we got to do some service with one of our investigators, we'll call her S. She's going through a super hard time. Her whole family is having issues sleeping. So she has these sleeping pills she's taking, but her son supposedly took 4 of them (she is 4 times his size and only takes 2) and passed out on the ground.

We're trying to help her stay strong and to help her family through the Book of Mormon. We're expecting MIRACLES with this one. We're really going to need it! She's willing to do anything to help her family. Oh and they're living with her brother, because they can't pay rent, and her brother is an "dancer." (He has a picture on the wall that says so. And we've met the guy.) But they tell us he's a dental assistant? It's kinda weird... one step at a time I guess!

We also had a way cool miracle with a less active!!  She's having a hard time breathing and thus praying. >_> Anyway when we got there, we knocked but no one answered, so we knocked a few more times, and waited around a lot longer than usual. Then suddenly the door opened! Turns out her son was sitting on the couch ignoring us but eventually she made her way to the door and let us in. She then sat on the couch in the corner and pulled a huge jacket up around herself and told us she hoped we didn't mind of she just fell asleep while we talked to her. Basically things weren't going to well. We sang, prayed, shared a scriptures with her or something, and that was about it. Then after we prayed again, we asked if there was anything we could do for her. She said no, but said she was just about to make dinner. So we immediately volunteered to help her with it, and she actually let us! So she taught us how/we helped her make albondigas. (Meatballs in soup.) It was super sweet. :) She was laughing and smiling and super happy. It was so cool! I love it. :)

We went to a funeral on Saturday. It was for this lady in our branch who had passed away because of cancer. We only got to visit her once. All of us missionaries sang Grande Eres Tu. It went well, as far as funerals go. :( Very grateful for the Plan of Happiness!!

We recently inherited a former investigator from the other sisters. (We switched up the areas a bit.) She's the mom of one of our members. She was almost baptized, but then, according to her, "se metio el chamuco." She recognizes that Satan doesn't want her to do this, and we had a super good lesson with her about baptism and she said she'll read the Book of Mormon every day and committed to be baptized in 2 weeks. We have high hopes for her too!!

Oh man. So all the MoBat sisters that are leaving this transfer got to sing a song together at the fireside. It was absolutely incredible. ^_^ I don't remember what it's called. But the chorus talks about drop by drop. It's all about how we're lamps and part of this big plan and drop by drop by drop we're preparing ourselves to meet Him again. It's super sweet. ^_^ Anyway basically I love them all and I'm NOT ready for them to go!! >_<

We had a super cool Zone Meeting this week. It was SUPER spiritual. We read part of D&C 76 and wrote down what the Spirit told us about what our Heavenly Father expects of us. There was such a feeling of peace and happiness in the room. It was SO STRONG. I loved it! Suuuuper cool. :) Being on a mission is the best!

Well, I'm ready for another week of miracles! Love you all!!

--Hermana Harris

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