Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Julia's First Day in San Diego Week 10-ish

A transcription of a handwritten letter we got this week. It takes 6 days for mail to go between SD and Layton. Pony Express still?

It was so wonderful to talk to you this morning! The flight went well and now we are here in sunny San Diego! It reminds me so much of Tucson with all the palm trees and the temperature. It's wonderful!

They've fed us well! A real taco salad and actual fresh strawberries cantaloupe and raspberries! Even fresh pineapple! I feel human again.

Tonight the new sisters will be sleeping at the MoBat! I don't know how that is going to work, but there you go. Tomorrow I'll get my new trainer and really start this missionary thing.I'm going to miss my companion! She has been so wonderful, I could not have done it without her!

Today I feel like a princess. The mission home is awesome. Right now I am in this sweet corner bedroom with two cute beds and a window looking out into the green flowery, sunny garden! Me Gusta!

I want to live in San Diego! I love it here! I just feel good! Plus this house smells good.I'm not sure what it is, but it smells great! They are even going to let us take a nap! I am so excited! 3:30 am is a bit early.

Oh did I tell you about this sweet email experience? Well the person emailed us back saying thank you from the bottom of their soul and that they read and reread our email reply and they felt the Spirit and they felt like our message was straight from God! That's all I could ever ask for! That's my whole goal as a missionary- to speak His words to His children the way He would if He were here! I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity.

I just had my first interview with Pres. Clayton's wife. She is such a sweetheart! Very kind and loving. Don't worry Mom, she gives lots of hugs!

Now I just had my first interview with Pres. Clayton! He is a wonderful man. I am so excited to be working with him! I am excited for this. I hope I can make the most of every day and work hard enough!

There are 10 stakes in our mission and almost all of them have MoBat sisters. This will be crazy. BTW on our way into the airport, we ran into sisters leaving the mission. They were so excited for us. When I asked for advice, they just said, "Follow the Spirit."

The Assistants to the President in our meeting today said that right now San Diego has 150 missionaries. By the end of the summer, we'll be at 230!

In the interview, President Clayton said that there will be times when I will be so frustrated. I will be doing all the right things and being obedient and working hard, but that things just won't work out. Our golden investigator will call up and say, "Never come back." But if we step it up a notch instead of giving up, we will have miracles. Heavenly Father knows when things should work out. I want to come home as a different person in a good way. I want to work and watch and pray and labor with the fervent zeal of youth. BTW when I say "yes" and "no" when we sing that song, people give me weird looks. Oh well.

Again I love talking to you, even though you made me cry in the middle of the airport about five times.  Citrus trees. Palm trees. Green hills. Cool breezes. The aroma of sugar cookies baking. A bunch of pillows and the sweet peace of the Spirit. Best first day ever. :)

Hermana Harris

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