Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 18 Opening my mouth

Dear everybody,

Life is wonderful. General Conference was fabulous. My companion and I are having a blast, and we can see changes in the lives of those around us. It's an incredible experience! It's so crazy how you plan for everything to go one way, and then something happens, and all your plans are right out the window, and you do something entirely different, but it all makes so much more sense in the end. 

When we drive we have to log in with our TIWI card, and so we're not allowed to drive without it. Well, after a crazy hectic day, we were running to go to our interviews with the Mission President, when I couldn't find my tiwi card. >_< Ummm... and we were already late. Well, they let me drive anyway, and we had our interviews, and then we drove back, but couldn't leave cuz I didn't have my card, so we had weekly planning for the rest of the night. It was completely necessary though because we ended up having a much needed discussion and now things are going so much better and everything is working out. Then after everything was worked out, we found the card! It was super cool. 

This week I was reading in PMG in chapter 9: finding people. There were a bunch of scriptures about opening your mouth and speaking, and how the Lord is not pleased with those who don't speak, etc. I decided to try to speak more, and it's been pretty cool. I feel more like a missionary and less like the-person-who-stands-next-to-Sister-Salinas-for-moral-support-and-the-occasional-smile-if-I-have-a-clue-as-to-what-is-going-on. So I feel much better. I mean, it's not perfect, but it's better. I still don't know what is going on part of the time, but that's okay. I'm just trying to open my mouth more. It will get better with time.

We had a cool moment the other day. We had a voice mail from one of our investigators explaining why she couldn't come to conference (her tummy hurt... :/ ) and at first I was super disappointed, but as I thought about it later, I realized something. In the message SHE CALLED HERSELF HERMANA LO !!! :D It made me so happy! When we visit her she looks so much happier and I know we're making a difference, it's just hard for her cuz she's still smoking. We're going to start the quit smoking program on Friday, theoretically, so we'll see. :) Hopefully all will go well! She wants to be a better example for her son (who is only 15 and is already heading down a scary path) and she wants to be able to help her family. Anyway, we're working on that. :)

I think that's all for now. Thanks for all you are doing to help out your wards and those around you. Keep it up!

--Hermana Harris

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