Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week of Awesomenicity Episode 20

Dear Everyone,

This week was the best week ever.

We had a lesson with D at the temple. It was a do-or-die lesson. Her baptismal date was set for the 20th of April, and we needed to know if she had an answer or not yet. So we got everything all ready and planned and we had a lesson with her and a member in the Waiting room of the San Diego temple. It was basically amazing. Oh, but the weird thing was we were on exchanges so I was with a different companion, Sister O'Neill, who happens to be Sister Amendola's trainer!

Anyway, it was basically the best lesson ever, and D was crying and said she felt so different and said she wants to be baptized! So we had her interview but she works on this weekend and the next and then the next weekend is stake conference so her new date is the 11th and 12 of May. I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER. She is just so happy! I love it! She's so strong and amazing. She has so much faith it blows my mind. She's an amazing mom and I'm so excited for her and her family and it's basically the best thing ever. Just saying. :)

We also had an awesome lesson on Sunday with a referral from the English elders in our area. We went to the address they gave us but it was wrong so the people there told us to try across the street, so we went there, and there was this huge apartment bldg, and this guy standing outside smoking. So we asked him if he knew C and E, and guess what? Turns out he's C. So he took us around and up and over to where his apartment is, we met E, and had the best lesson ever. It just flowed. It felt amazing. It was so fantastic! I can't really put into words the way we all felt. It rocked my world.

Oh, and the other day at the Battalion I was giving the very last part of the tour and there were two couples on my tour, and the man sitting on the front bench was crying and smiling and as I was talking I just felt this peace in the room, and everyone was just listening intently, smiling, and they all felt the peace, and it was amazing. I've been sooo blessed this week! I definitely don't deserve it.

Hmm well I was going to finish my letter but there's a story I want to share. Sorry. :) So we were working with this lady, M, and she's a member but doesn't go very often because she has no transportation and she's old and she feels like a burden on the branch. :( Anyway, when we visited her the other day she was super sad and told us she doesn't want to go to church anymore, and some other sad things. So we took her out with us one day to help us visit some people, and we had this crazy experience.

This kid answered the door, and said his mom wasn't there, so we started writing a note for her on one of our cards, and Sister Salinas was just making small talk with the kid, and then this huge shirtless guy got up off the couch and started yelling at us and threatening to call the police for talking to his kid and was cussing and getting all in an uproar. It was a little scary. Anyway...we left... and tried to move on. Well, when we visited M yesterday she said she keeps thinking about that experience and she said she felt so upset that she couldn't sleep all night, and that now she wants to just stand up and fight for her religion. She wants to defend what she believes in. :) She's got the fire again! So basically the point of this story is that there's always a reason for everything. We had to get yelled at to get M back in gear. :) It's pretty amazing.

Well, I love you all and I hope things are well with you!!

-Hermana Harris

P.S. Thank you to everyone who has sent me letters and stuff. I'm sorry I haven't replied to any of them. :( You're all incredible. :)

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