Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Week 24 Let us all press on!

Herro Everyone!  Sorry about the no-letter last time. I was writing it when the internets died.

 At the temple this week we met this man named Bing, "Like Bing chellies" is how he explained it to me. He also called me Sister Hallis. It was very cute. This picture is from him!

Last week we had our first baptism! V. was baptized and it was beautiful. She is so amazing. Sister Amendola and I sang "Lord, I Would Follow Thee" to the tune of "If you Could Hie to Kolob." (We skipped the last line and just sang the first two verses as one verse, second two verses as the 2nd verse. Tiene sentido?) And of course it was in Spanish. V. is so sweet. :) 

She was so excited and happy and when we visited with her the other day, we realized she's opening up to us so much. The first time we visited her she said two sentences. The whole time. But now she's laughing and joking with us and smiling and talking and answering questions and it's just so amazing. :)

F. is also doing really well. He finally got work off for next Sunday so he'll be at church for the first time. He's so excited about it! It's so funny because whenever he says 'bye' on the phone, he says it the way my companion does. She says hasta luego or nos vemos or adios, and then she'll say, "Bai!" really high, and so whenever he leaves us a message, he ends it like that too. XD It cracks me up.

Miracles happen when we listen to our leaders. Our district leader suggested we work on contacting our referrals, so we did the very next day, and the very next day we met this man named A. and he's met with missionaries before but lost contact with them.

Well, I love you all! Keep being examples and reaching out to lift others. :)

--Hermana Harris

P.S. Someone was telling me the other day that they were taking pictures at a temple, and some random lady offered to help. When she was taking it, she asked, "Do you want the lady in the gold dress in the picture too?" ... awkward. There's always an opportunity to teach. :D

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