Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sweet is the peace the Gospel brings! Week 36

So this week we're only emailing for 1 hour so I don't really have much time left but I'll give you some basics:
-We were heading off to contact someone and there was this little girl that started talking to us. She told us her mom was home, which was random, so we asked which house was hers. So she pointed to it and we figured, well, why not? So we went and knocked and had a sweet lesson with her about prayers and how they're not some recitation but a personal conversation between he and her Father. She prayed at the end and it was so incredibly powerful. She was looked super happy and was just glowing. It was incredible. :)

-Yesterday Sister Contreras and I took a Spanish tour with these two people from Mexico City and 4 people from Spain. At the end, the lady from Mexico City was SO EXCITED. She wouldn't stop saying 'Thank you SO MUCH. Seriously. Thank you. You have no idea how much I loved that. It was a beautiful story. Mil gracias." etc. Eventually she even said "I'm just so full of joy and happiness and LOVE. Thank you!" It was super sweet. :)

-We met this cool guy named K. He used to serve in the army but he left for a while. He's planning on going back. It was just really neat to get to know him. He said he's saved someone's life once, but the other times he was unsuccessful. He acts like a tough guy at first but he's an incredibly caring and loving individual. By the end of our discussion I wanted to adopt him as my uncle. He was so sweet! It just always amazes me how incredible all these people are. I love getting to know my brothers and sisters. :)

-WE HAD OUR FIRST INVESTIGATOR ATTEND CHURCH WITH US!! :D Well, last week C. came to a class, but this week T. came with us to Sacrament Meeting, and stayed for the first class! Afterwards he said he really liked it, and that it was different than he expected. He's such a good kid, he just really needs some good friends. (He's he 17 year old that told us that he sees himself in jail in 5 years.) C. came too but only to the first class, then she had to go.

-We went to talk to an investigator and afterwards saw this other guy outside smoking. My initial instinct was to get away asap cuz I hate that smell but instead we stopped and talked to him. He's angry at organized religion because he says it's caused so many wars and deaths. We just talked to him and had a good convo and at the end prayed with him, and after the prayer he looked so different. He thanked us for the prayer, but it was way more than just words. When he said it he was looking me straight in the eyes and I could feel that something had touched his heart. It was an unforgettable moment.

Well, I love you all! Have a fabulous week! :D

--Hermana Harris

PS>>>Journals are so important! We talk about that in the tour. There are actually almost 80 surviving journals from the men of the Battalion. That's why we can even have the museum - because they took the time to write down those precious experiences that helped their faith grow. :)

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