Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 41 YAY for Miracles!

This past week we have had MIRACLES. Specifically, people are progressing! C told us that she's been reading and praying and she feels calm and peace, but that she doesn't feel like God has told her the answer yet. We asked her if she thought maybe we were an answer to those prayers. She said that yes, she had thought about that, but she wasn't sure. So then later we had a lesson about how to recognize the Holy Ghost. We shared several scriptures that talk about what the Holy Ghost feels like, and she looked in her eyes like she really understood and like she was coming to a realization of the truth. It was super cool. AAAAND then at the end of the lesson, we asked her daughter to give the closing prayer. She looked at us kinda funny and looked away and looked uncomfortable, like she was going to tell us something but didn't want to say it. We both thought she was going to tell us she didn't want to listen anymore, but instead she blew us away and said, "One of those scriptures you read... I've felt like that before." IT WAS SO SWEET.

And then there's J! He's the sweetest! He came to the MoBat and took a tour, then a few days later he came and watched the Joseph Smith movie. Unfortunately he arrived late so he didn't finish. :( BUT. Then he came to the branch party on Friday! :D Haha then he invited us to come with him and his family to a party on Sunday. We did not go... but then Sunday night he texted us and asked if he could come to the MoBat to finish the movie! :D Whaaat? So he came and finished, and the Spirit was SO STRONG there. Then last night he texted us and asked if we were going to come teach his family that night. So of course we said yes (we were planning already on being in that neighborhood) and had a lesson about prophets. He said he's praying to know about Joseph Smith. It has just been incredible. We are so excited for him! :D We also had member in our lesson yesterday with F. We've been trying to get this member with us in a lesson with her for months, but she kept having to bail on the lesson. So yesterday it all worked out and it was awesome! :D Members are SO KEY to missionary work. :)

So, you know how some people let hardships turn them from God? Well, F's husband is one of them. He had 6 siblings, and they all died super young from some sickness. And so now he's atheist and doesn't want to hear anything. It kinda tears their family apart. They all have their own beliefs and it's so sad to see. They don't have a unified goal. They all go their own ways, doing their own things, not really united in purpose or anything. It makes me so sad! That's what the gospel does for us. It ties us together and helps us progress as a family. We can all help each other! Well. That's enough ranting.

Well. That's about it for now. Ooh I've been reading in the Bible about prophecies about the restoration, the Book of Mormon, what Christ established in terms of church organization, ordinances, etc. So many incredible scriptures! I LOVE Acts 8. I've heard so many times that after baptism you just automatically receive the Holy Ghost. WRONG. Read Acts 8. There are so many scriptures too that talk about the need for authority, healing with oil, the 12 apostles, quorums of 70, baptism for the dead, temples, etc. It's SO SWEET. :) I love it all! 

Love you all too!
Hermana Harris

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