Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 39 The Lord does answer prayers... specifically!

If you want to talk to God, pray! 
Transfers...I guess the subject is a bit of a misnomer since... well we're not getting transferred! Phew! That makes 3 transfers with Sister Salinas and 3 with Sister Contreras. :D Pretty lucky! I wonder if I'll have all my compas for 3 transfers. I feel like it just might happen dat way. :) Sister Mendez and Hall are gone... but Sister Romero is staying in Sweetwater, so Logan Heights is prolly closing one of theirs, so we'll be getting one of them. Don't know who yet! ...but we might get Sister Amendola! :D THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. I'll let ya know next week. :)

We had the best day ever yesterday. We ended up having 3/4 of the lessons we planned for. That NEVER happens! We found everyone! The Lord just put them where they needed to be so we could teach them. It was incredible. I love having specific prayers! We prayed that these people would be there so we could teach them, and they were! I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. But it was really sweet. :)

We finally contacted a referral we've had for a long time. We had gone by to see her a bunch of times but she was never home. But the other day she was, and her husband was too, and we taught them but they didn't take a Book of Mormon. So then yesterday we went to teach them, and their son was there with them. We taught them all and then at the end the son accepted a Book of Mormon and said he'd read it. Yes! The Spirit was so strong in the lesson. :) It was wonderful! :D

Oh man. Our branch had an activity on Saturday - Carne Asada in the park. from 8-1. We got there around noonish. It was the most delish ward party thing I've ever been to. :D And the really cool thing is we got to spend a lot of time talking to one of our investigators. So many barriers are breaking down. Yesterday in one of our lessons we really got to know another of our investigators better. She shared with us what she's going through. It's absolutely amazing the strength that people have when they're founded on the Savior. I love learning from these people!

Basically it's going pretty well. We're making progress, and learning lots and lots.

Oh wait. Cool experience. So we were contacting a referral, but she wasn't there because apparently she moved like 4 months ago. Which is weird cuz we just got the referral a week ago. But in any case, as we were leaving my companion asked her if she knew anyone who spoke Spanish, so she pointed to the apartment on the end of the row, so off we went. When we got there, this absolutely gorgeous woman in her 40s opened the door. She was poised and elegant, and just radiated power and strength, but you could see that she was incredibly upset about something. Like, rocked to the core. She looked like her eyes were seeing off into the distance, and she looked like she had been crying. As we talked to her, she told us that her heart and mind and everything was closed right then, but that she might be open later. We continued talking, and I shared an experience with her, and I was almost in tears and I think she felt it and it was so intense. As we left, we overheard her neighbor asking what happened, and she said something about "He's in jail." So basically Heavenly Father sent us to her right when she needed us most. It was way cool.

Well, there ya go! I love you all! Keep on being incredible examples, and keep on asking Heavenly Father how you can improve every day, and ask yourself what you can do to strengthen your relationship with your Heavenly Father today. :) Love ya!

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