Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week 60 Finding! Serving! Loving!

This week we found someone! Well, we had tried to visit her before but she always told us she was busy. But this time she let us in and we talked to her. She's super awesome and it was probably one of my favorite Restoration lessons. Just a little short. But it's good. :) Anyway it was super cool. :)

The other day we had a surprise night in the area. We thought we had the morning in the area but turns out we had the night, but we ended up having half our lessons for the whole week all in that one night. It was crazy busy and we had a miracle! Remember how there was that person who said his sister was in the hospital? Well, the sad news is she passed on, but the good news is her sister was home when we went by, and she let us in, and we sang to her. And she cried. We taught a little about the Book of Mormon and shared favorite scriptures and she thanked us so much for coming. She said it was perfect timing and she was so grateful for the peace we brought to them when they really needed it. It was so cool! :D Anyway. :) Very cool.

We had a funny/embarrassing moment. Sunday night we teach a PMG class. Right before class, I called one of our investigators and set up an appointment for after the class. He sounded super excited. So after the class we asked some of the members to come with us to the lesson. When we got to our investigator's apartment, a note we had put on his door two days ago was still there, and he didn't answer when we knocked. That's weird. So.... we called him again, and he said he opened the gate, but there is no gate at his house... so we were super confused until the member who was with us said she recognized his voice, and that he's a member in a different ward. I have no idea how his number got saved in our phone under our investigator's name but there you go. So... yeah. Anyway. We apologized and explained that we can't visit him but we sent the Barrio 20 sisters to go see him. haha. Bummer...

Yesterday at the Battalion we had a SWEEET miracle. :) Several. One of which, we contacted this lady and it sounds like she's going to be golden! :) Super cool stuff! :D Then at the Battalion it was so awesome. So I took this tour with this gentleman (I forgot his name, we'll call him R) and his friend S. So R and S are work buddies, and R is a member, S is not. R took S to temple square and all that stuff, and last night he brought him to the Battalion. So we took him on tour. Right before I started the tour, I walked in and R was explaining to S that we are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but that the term Mormons comes from the Book of Mormon. So I wasn't sure how much he knew or did not know about our church. Well, in outfitting we talk about the equipment the men received and what they brought with them. So we gave him is 1816 Flintlock musket and asked him if he would have felt ready to go off to war. He said no, and that he wouldn't be able to rely on his weapon. So we used that to segway into the scriptures, saying that the men knew they couldn't rely on their weapons, but they didn't have to. They were given a promise from their prophet that if they were true and faithful they wouldn't have to fight! So they brought with them their scriptures, their Book of Mormon and their Bible, which both testify of Jesus Christ. When I said that, he quietly whispered, "Wow" and I could see the Spirit working on him. It was probably my favorite moment at the Battalion. It was so cool! I know the Spirit testified to him about the Book of Mormon. It was so intense! ^_^ LOVE IT. :) After the tour Steve was so grateful and so happy. You could tell he really felt the whole story. Possibly my favorite tour ever. :)

Also I made up a joke!

Why are sporks so small?

Because they're tiney spoons!


(As in, they've got tines.)



Well, hope it made you laugh. :)

--Hermana Harris

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