Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 62 Good byes are getting harder!

So... guess what? We had transfer calls this morning and we're staying together, Sis Amendola and I! :D YEAH WOOHOO AWWWWW YEAHHH!!! :D Super excited. :) And in sad news Sister Bermudez is going full pros. That is not sad that she is going full pros, but the timing.... she will not get back to the Battalion until the day after I go home. :( My baby is going full pros! (The sister I trained is going to be teaching the full time for the next few transfers) And my mom went home today. ( The Sister missionary who trained her) :( Sister Salinas is en route to Mexico. :( These goodbyes get harder and harder. :(

Farewell for the leaving sisters. :( Sis Salinas

 The cops from last week. :O

 Funny story. So. Turns out sister Amendola and I don't know our apartment number. Hahaha! Here's the story. The Afflecks are leaving super soon, and this one time I made a blueberry pie and Elder Affleck LOVED it and told me if I ever wanted to, he'd buy all the ingredients and I'd make enough pie for all the Battalion sisters. Well, I never took them up on that offer but I wanted to make them a pie, so I got the stuffs together and made it. THey actually live in our area that we serve in, so we were going to bring it to them but we forgot it at home! So we called Sister Affleck and she said her husband was still in Old Town, so he could stop by and get it. So we told her we live in apt 8, and the dessert was on the counter. So she tells her husband to get the spare keys, go into apartment 8, take the dessert off the counter, and bring it home. So he does just that. But uh. Turns out we are #11. So. He stole Sister Mulipola's lemon cake. We got it figured out eventually but there was a pretty awkward moment there... very funny. :)

 Our pan is too big for the oven so it went in sideways ........ and uh the cookies didn't stay very well. >_<

8010: Valentines Day fun. :) Heart attack!!

8017: Stopped by the Battalion for a second... we were doing studies and had our fuzzy socks and didn't want to take them off or put on other shoes so... well... hahaha. :)

This week we had exchanges! Sister Rex came with me to La Mesa, and we didn't get lost! She started her mission in La Mesa, and she's going home next transfer. So that was a long time ago. But we were able to visit some of the people that she used to teach and they're super excited for us to come back! :D So we're pretty excited. It's going to be good! :D

The fireside on Sunday was awesome! :D It went super well. :) On Valentines Day we got to heart attack a few doors. It was a blast. :) We also got to visit a member, P. She's my favorite. I want to adopt her. ^_^

We had a sweet lesson with X. She's this adorable Japanese lady who married a Mexican. She's the cutest lady ever. ^_^ LOVE HER.

Ok so the special missionary fireside on Tuesday was AWESOME. ^_^ Absolutely loved it. Learned a lot about how to do missionary work and what we can do better. :D Hooray for being better missionaries! :D The area is doing really well. We're adding more and talking to more people and conquering fears. :D Yay!!

Well, that's about it for now. Thank you for all your love and prayers. :)

--Hermana Harris

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