Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Singing the Song of Redeeming Love!! Week 7

So Jeffrey R Holland spoke to us last week. It was absolutely incredible. He re-dedicated three of the buildings. It was so awesome. I'm going to share a choir experience with you, but in just a minute. First I want to explain the fact that I don't exactly agree with a certain way of teaching. I personally feel like sometimes it's like tricking people into things. But what I do like is that asking questions helps the investigators see the answers and apply them personally. If they know the truth but don't see how it affects them individually, then it's pointless. Plus as they teach themselves, they'll know it's true better than if I just tell them. So there you go. Not trying to force people. That's messed up. Not to mention doesn't work and is Satan's plan.

So. Jeffrey R Holland. Choir. Here we go.

My companion and I have been singing in the MTC choir. We were super excited because we were going to get to sing in the Christmas program. We went to every single rehearsal, even the ones at 7 in the morning where we had to sacrifice other things like breakfast to get there on time, etc. We were so excited because the songs were amazing and everything was super cool. And then Christmas morning, we went in to go to choir practice, and...well...people who hadn't ever gone to any of the choir practices decided they wanted to sing for the special speaker...so we didn't even get to be in the choir because it was full. I cannot even begin to express my anger, frustration, disappointment, etc. I basically never wanted to sing again. It took me a while to get over that. I was distracted for a good majority of Elder Russel M Nelson's talk because I was so upset.

Then I had a thought. I realized that I was looking at it all wrong. The reason I go to choir is because I love the Lord, and I can't express myself well, but in singing I can tell Him how much I love Him. So it doesn't matter that I didn't get to be in the choir. Because the Lord knew I loved Him and that I did my best and that was all that really mattered. I also realized that in my mission, I'm going to do a lot of work, lots and lots and lots of it, and I won't see the end result. I won't get to participate in the performance. But that doesn't mean that my work was in vain. Someone will be blessed. Someone's life will be a bit better, whether I'm there to see it or not. That helped. :)

And now. My companion and I have learned our lesson and we go early to choir practice. We went last week and were early and it was amazing. We sang Precious Savior  Dear Redeemer, but it was a version I'd never heard before. It was absolutely beautiful. (My favorite line is "Curb the winds and calm the billows, bid the angry tempests cease.") And as a personal mini-miracle in my life, I got to be in the choir as we sang it for Elder Jeffrey R Holland.

Alma 28:8. Our devotional speaker tonight told us to read that, putting our mission in there. I'm so excited to get out there!! He also said that "Everything about (the place you serve) will be beautiful, because it's where you come to know your Savior."

Classes are going well. Spanish is coming. Companion is amazing. We're working on this trio song with Joseph Smith's first vision song and another one. Sorta.

Please write. Please know I love you all so much!

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