Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 6! Question, questions questions

Hello everyone!

I hope all is well with you. :) 

Since about 5 weeks ago my room mate and I have been having feet-washing parties in the bathroom sinks. I can't remember if I told you that or not, so I thought I'd bring it up cuz I love it. XD It's just a few moments of getting my feet clean and bonding with my room mate. People definitely give us weird looks when they come in and see us sitting on the counter... but... it doesn't bother me anymore. XD By the end of the day my feetsies definitely need the massage.

We had a zone resource teacher come in on Friday and tell us that we are horrible. We're terrible at teaching and we're way behind on Spanish and basically we're just the worst missionaries ever. Sweet. Then he taught us a better way to teach and then taught us about direct object/indirect object pronouns and how to use them, etc. It definitely makes a lot more sense, but I still don't know how to use his method for teaching.

It's good, but I haven't been able to do it for myself yet. Basically you start by either teaching a basic principle or having them read a scripture. (If you have them read a scripture, obviously you give some context for it and then tell them what to look for.) Then you ask them a what question about the scripture. Then with their answer, you teach a bit of doctrine and take it to the next question, which is a why question. Then with that answer you ask a how question, and then you can get them to do anything. Basically. I'll give an example.

Say you want to commit them to be baptized. You can start with 3 Ne 11:33. Give them some background, and tell them to look for what you need to do to inherit the kingdom of God.

So they read it, and it says that you need to be baptized. So then you ask them, what do you need to do to inherit the Kingdom of God, and they say be baptized. Simple enough. Then you give some doctrine, like that God gives us commandments so that we can be happy and return to live with Him. So then you ask them why God gives us commandments like baptism, and they say to be happy, and so then you ask them how, according to this, they can be happy, and they say by being baptized. Then you ask them to be baptized. That's the gospel according to Hermano Jarvin.

So... the fire alarm went off. AGAIN. This time at 12:15. I liked that better. We got back to our rooms around 1:00. Sweet.

The other day I saw someone named Elder Trogdon. I definitely thought it said Trogdor for a minute and I got really excited. XD I also saw an Elder Latimer. I thought that was sweet, and I definitely wanted to tell Emma, Tress, and Lang. And Rachel and Chris, obviously.

Yesterday at TRC we taught a couple named Katie and Jeff. XD I miss you! :)

Every Sunday we have a theme. This Sunday's theme was the Gift of the Holy Ghost. They have all of us prepare talks, and then randomly select 2 from the zone. While writing my talk, I realized just how important the Holy Ghost is to me! I mean, He tells me that my Father in Heaven loves me, that my Savior lives, and that I can be forgiven! He testifies of truth and fills my soul with joy and casts out darkness. He also helps those I teach recognize the truth and fill them with that joy, too. :) Basically... it's awesome.

Oh, my comp and I have a calling! We're the music coordinators. Basically we just pick the music. But I like it, and I'm excited. :) We also get to try to find special musical numbers. Woo hoo!

So this week was pretty interesting. We had our best lesson ever, and then we had the worst lesson-planning-session ever. Several of the worst lesson-planning-sessions ever. We wanted to teach different stuff, and we wanted to share it differently. And it was super weird and difficult. But now that our teachers have actually clarified what we're supposed to teach and when, it's better.

Our lesson, though, was the highlight of the week. We taught basically the 1st lesson - the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. (We didn't get in all the stuff from the whole lesson...sorry.) It was basically my favorite experience. We took turns really well, and asked some questions, and the Spirit was definitely there, and then I finally got to share the 1st vision (cuz I finally realized I needed to memorize it) and it was super fantastic. Then we forgot to invite him to be baptized!! D: That'll come this next time. Anyway, it was super enjoyable and I loved it. I hope we can have more lessons like that!

In a lesson with Lilian, we got to help her understand why it's important to pray daily, and not just when you really need something. I asked her if she talks to her dad here on earth every day, and she said no, because he's so far away. I asked her if it were possible, would she, and she said yeah, of course. So I explained that it's the same with her Heavenly Father! I think that really helped her. We also shared 2 Ne 32:8-9 (scripture mastery ftw!) and I realized that it's super important to pray cuz Heavenly Father wants to bless us with so much!

All we have to do is pray, and then all our actions can be for the benefit of our souls. Ooh. :) At the end we asked her to be baptized, and she said she was already baptized, and we told her that was awesome and that we're super happy that she showed her faith like that, and that we want to help her come unto Christ more, etc. So next lesson we're re-covering the parts of lesson 1 that we missed with her and we'll talk about authority and stuff. Pretty exciting!

Our entire Zone has a new goal: only Spanish. ... It's going okay so far. Definitely didn't heed to the goal at 12:15 this morning. That's too early for Spanish. -_-' But, it's all good. We're getting better, I think. We had a pow wow as a district and got some things out and I think we'll all get along a little better. Oh, one of our Elders got his nose broken in basketball. He's going in for surgery tomorrow. Sad. Well, I hope all goes well for all of you! I definitely don't have much time left. I love you all!! 

Hermana Harris

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