Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Getting a Spiritual Education Week 32

Hello Everyone!

 I am reminded me of a time when we were praying with an investigator. We were outside, it was windy, kinda noisy, and I didn't want to pray cuz I was struggling SO much with Spanish. But I did it anyway and in the prayer I said something like, "Gracias por tu hijo, Jesucristo, y por la oportunidad de arrepentirnos" and as I was saying it I just felt that burning and I started crying and could barely get through the sentence as I realized what a gift it is, and what it really means for ME. It was incredible!! :)

I've also been thinking a lot about faith. God cannot perform miracles in my life if I don't have faith. So I need to step it up!
Miguel's restaurant is yum!

We had a Zone Meeting in which they talked about Jeremiah 16:16, and we talked about seeking people, from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes in the rocks. So this week we've been talking to EVERYBODY. We've had some success and some... interesting experiences. But it's good. (One lady we talked to was so excited to talk to us but when we offered to come back she got defensive and said no and then a bird pooped on her. It was...interesting.)

Sometimes it's frustrating when all our appointments fall through, but the we always end up finding people. It's really neat how the Lord just puts us where He needs us. :)

At the temple the other day we got to teach a youth group about the temple. Well, it's a ward, and they bring investigators, and after our lesson they go to the Battalion. It was pretty sweet. We had some of the missionaries there bear their testimonies about when their families were sealed in the temple. It was a really neat experience. :)
Lots and lots of driving experience!

We also had one of the coolest lessons yesterday. It was with a family (those are the best) and the mom really wants her children to have a 'spiritual education.' So she had them all sit down in a row and pay attention. It was cool because usually when we go to teach a mom, the husband refuses to join, and she lets the kids run around the whole time. But they all listened and participated. It was sweet. :)

Well that's about it for right now. I never know what y'all actually want to hear so I never know what to write. Love you all!

--Hermana Harris

1 comment:

  1. Hermana Harris, it is a great work you are doing. Trust in the Lord, and you will be empowered to do all things! I love you! --Aunt Terri
